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Tate Modern Discover amazing artworks, for free!

Enjoy masterpieces and outstanding modern and contemporary art at Tate. Tate Modern offers the world’s finest collection of Surrealism, including works by Dali, Ernst and Miro.

Contemporary Art, Modern Art

Tate Modern is the most popular gallery of modern art in the world. Housed on the banks of the Thames, the upper levels of the gallery offer fantastic views of the city of London including St Paul’s cathedral on the other side of the river. Tate has two galleries in London. Tate Modern is the gallery at Bankside where you can see international modern and contemporary art. Tate Britain is where you can see the best of British art from 1500 to now.

Tate Modern Location
  • visit website
  • Tel: +44 (0)20 7887 8888
  • Sumner Street
    London SE1 9TG
Best For

Best For

Tours, exhibitions, art collections, dining, shopping and family activities.
Charles's Tip 1

Charles' Tip

For an unforgettable experience enjoy a private tour for two with a Tate Guide around the highlights of the collection or an exhibition of your choice at Tate Modern or Tate Britain.
Charles's Tip 2

Charles' Tip

Enjoy stunning views of the river from the upper levels of the gallery which offer views of London, including St Pauls on the opposite side of the river.
Charles's Tip 3

Charles' Tip

The Tate shop offers a fantastic collection of books about art, history and culture as well as other gifts and artist and designer collections.
What's Happening 3

What's Happening

Enjoy Tate Tours and fine dining. Make an occasion of your tour by including a 3 course champagne meal for two for £90; or, add afternoon tea for two for £20.