five star london, luxury hotelsEvents In London September 2013

The Memory Palace Exhibition

  • by arobis

The Memory Palace Exhibition at The Victoria & Albert Museum takes place from Tuesday 18th June - Sunday 20th October 2013. Memories are intrinsic to who we are and what we know, though people often remember the same thing differently. This exhibition invites visitors on an immersive adventure where the importance of memory is the central theme.

The exhibition at The V&A is the creation of Hari Kunzru who has created a strangely dystopian vision of the future with the help of 20 internationally acclaimed illustrators, graphic designers and typographers. Each artist has been asked to interpret different passages of text and create commissioned works that together, tell a story that visitors will be able to walk through and experience.

The tale is set in London, a desolate ruined place where much of the world’s technology and knowledge has been lost, and those in power have banned all books in an attempt to return to a nature centered way of living, however not everyone agrees. Those who wander through the Memory Palace Exhibition at V&A will be able to read fragmented passages that recount the disjointed memories of a rebel prisoner who holds the belief that memory is essential for the survival of civilization.

As you walk through the Memory Palace Exhibition at V&A, you will be able to see how stories are told and retold from different viewpoints, and explore the connections between art, literature and design. The central exhibition will have the main story, with different rooms leading off into different memories that centre on the experiences of the prisoner. This unique exhibition will showcase a wide range of work, from info graphics to illustrations, and promises to be a truly spectacular exhibition experience.

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