five star london, luxury hotelsEvents In London September 2013

Body Adorned at Horniman Museum

  • by arobis
The Body Adorned at Horniman Museum invites visitors from all over the world to look at the relationship between the body, the clothes we wear and London's growth over time, taking a closer look at the world and history of fashion, and why we wear certain clothes. Titled Dressing London, the exhibition specifically examines the influences and emergence of different styles in London, looking at different times and cultures, and the ways different people have travelled the world bringing their own unique styles along with them.

With plenty of examples of tattooing instruments, a Native American headdress, European folk costumes and ancestor figures from Papua New Guinea and New Zealand all on show, the Body Adorned at Horniman Museum the exhibition asks what role dress plays in magic, religion, warfare, social status, gender, marriage and death, while the second half of the exhibit brings London onto centre stage with a selection of various film and photography exhibits that take a closer look at the ways in which we dress in the city today. This section also includes some wardrobe studies, in which the anxieties and personal choices of various Londoners are expressed. You can rummage through a multi-faith wedding wardrobe and get to grips with the mysteries of teenagers fashion choices.

Along with the contemporary London fashion section a series of wonderful urban portraits capturing Londoners on the streets are also on show. All of these have been taken by various young people working with both the museum and Goldsmiths College alike. A specially commissioned film by The Light Surgeons is also showing at the exhibit, which features an immersive experience on five separate screens.

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